Friday, April 18, 2008

The Little Jessie....and Nora's Father

Well yesterday was also a very special day because not only did Aaron Riley turn 29 but little Jessie turned 28. I hope both of these very special people got all they desired for their big days. I hope Aaron's birthday was not spent in a car driving somewhere and I hope Jessie's date at the theatre was all she hoped. Happy Birthday Guys......

Happy Birthday Dad..Happy Birthday Dane!

My dad always said the best present that Gail ever gave him was Dane and no matter how much time pasts I am pretty sure that will always be true. Today my dad turn 49 years old. He may be one year away from the big 5..0.. but we know that he still has a lot of years ahead of him. Today is Dane's 15th Birthday. We know that he is watching dad head out on the lake this morning and hopefully is celebrating his birthday keeping watch over all of us. Happy Birthday to my Montana Boys!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Squirrel Paparazi.....

A little Blue Steel....

Stop with the pictures! about a little wave!

So my squirrel obsession continues. They are becoming easier to work with when it comes to posing. Especially Mr. Grey Squirrel. He is my most photogenic model right now! Sorry if you don't agree...but I think he is cute.....

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring has Sprung...The Grass has Ris...I wonder where the flowers is?

This weekend it was unthinkable not to be outside enjoying the 60 degree weather that was served up. We celebrated Adam's dad's birthday this weekend. I also got to hang out with some old friends and to finish a wood project. The strawberry tower is complete. Pictures will follow shortly. But the highlight of my weekend was playing with Amara outside! Here are some photos from our day outside. Walter also joined in the fun as did a nesting red shoulder hawk who may be looking at Walter as a little snack! How I love northern Michigan.....

Friday, April 4, 2008

Including the kitchen sink......

Before Sink After Sink

For my birthday and Valentines day Adam put the finishing touches on my kitchen...for a while anyway. Last night when I got home he and his dad had installed my new sink and facet. Now with the dishwashers my co-workers bought me, the stove my parents bought me and Adams gifts my kitchen has a new face lift. I have never been so excited to do dishes as I was last night. Thank you, Thank you , Thank you everyone who helped complete my favorite room in the house.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My dad...

This past february my dad went on a fishing trip to Brazil. He came back with stories you would not belive however we had to believe his fish tail of a 66 lb catfish when pictures of it started surfacing on the Internet. He is having it mounted to hang on the wall. Not exactly a work of art...Catfish are pretty ugly...but nevertheless an accomplishment......Congrats Dad!

Say hello Mr. New Squirrel

So after another new face appeared in my window I started thinking whether squirrels see color? And if so do you think squirrels dislike other squirrels based on their color? Do you think squirrels are raceist? I only wonder because it has been battle royal with Mr. Black squirrel and Mr. Grey Squirrel.......Maybe it is because Mr. Grey Squirrel thinks it is unfair that all the opportunities have been passed out to Mr. Black Squirrel and now he is trying to get his share in this unfair world. Sounds like these squirrels are taking on affirmative action........